Medium Test Analysis
The medium test aims to replicate the analysis conducted in Section 41.1.3 using functions from the XML package. This test focuses on transforming XML data into a structured data frame for further analysis and reporting. The XML package, being an older package, offers a straightforward way to convert XML data into data frames, which is particularly useful for handling nested XML structures.The XML document provided in the test is a nested structure, with each <node> element containing potentially nested <node> elements (and some containing attributes). The goal is to extract specific information from this XML document, such as the text values, length, attributes,name,children etc. of nested <node> elements under the root <node> element.
Setting Up the Environment
Section 1: Loading Libraries and parsing XML Content
xml_content <- c(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<movie mins="126" lang="eng">',
'<title>Good Will Hunting</title>',
'<last_name>Van Sant</last_name>',
'<movie mins="106" lang="spa">',
'<title>Y tu mama tambien</title>',
The XML library is loaded to handle XML data in R.
An XML content string representing a list of movies is defined, including details like title, director, year, and genre.
doc <- xmlTreeParse(paste(xml_content, collapse = ''), useInternalNodes = TRUE)
## <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
## <movies>
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## </movies>
The xmlTreeParse function from the XML package is used to parse the XML string into an XML document object.
The paste function with collapse = ’ ’ is used to concatenate the XML string into a single string before parsing.
The useInternalNodes = TRUE argument specifies that the function should return an internal node, which is more efficient for extracting parts of the XML document1.
The parsed XML document is stored in the variable xml_doc.
Section 2: Navigation of XML Tree
2.1 Access the root Node
# Get the root node of the XML document
movies <- xmlRoot(doc)
## <movies>
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## </movies>
# Check if the XML document and the root node are identical
identical(doc, movies)
## [1] FALSE
It turns out that doc
and movies
are not actually identical
The xmlRoot function extracts the root node of the XML document, which is stored in movies.
The identical function checks if the root node is the same as the original document, demonstrating the structure of the XML document.
2.2 Access the children of movies node
# Access the child nodes of the root node
## $movie
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## $movie
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
# Access the first movie node
good_will <- xmlChildren(movies)[[1]]
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
# Access the second movie node
tu_mama <- xmlChildren(movies)[[2]]
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
xmlChildren(movies) retrieves the child nodes of the node “movies”.
xmlChildren(movies)\(\[1\)] accesses the first movie node from the child nodes of “movies”.
xmlChildren(movies)\(\[2\)] accesses the second movie node from the child nodes of “movies”.
Section 3: Inspecting first node
3.1 Inspecting contents of the children of movies node
# Access the children nodes of 'good_will'
## $title
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## $director
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## $year
## <year>1998</year>
## $genre
## <genre>drama</genre>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
# Access the children nodes of 'tu_mama'
## $title
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## $director
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## $year
## <year>2001</year>
## $genre
## <genre>drama</genre>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
# Get the name of the 'good_will' node
## [1] "movie"
# Get the attributes of the 'good_will' node
## mins lang
## "126" "eng"
# Get the size (number of children) of the 'good_will' node
## [1] 4
The xmlName function is used to get the name of the good_will node.
The xmlAttrs function is used to get the attributes of the root node.
The xmlChildren function lists all child nodes of the root node, which represent individual movies.
3.2 Inspecting contents of good_will node
# Iterate over each child node of 'good_will' and print their names
children_nodes <- xmlChildren(good_will)
for (node in children_nodes) {
## [1] "title"
## [1] "director"
## [1] "year"
## [1] "genre"
# Access the title node of 'good_will'
title1 <- xmlChildren(good_will)[["title"]]
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
# Access the children nodes of 'title1'
## $text
## Good Will Hunting
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
# Get the text content of 'title1'
## [1] "Good Will Hunting"
xmlChildren(good_will) retrieves the child nodes of the ‘good_will’ node.
xmlChildren(good_will)\(\["title"\)] accesses the ‘title’ node within the ‘good_will’ node.
xmlChildren(title1) accesses the child nodes of the ‘title1’ node
xmlValue(title1) extracts the text content of the ‘title1’ node, representing the title of the movie.
Section 4: Inspecting director node
# Access the director node of 'good_will'
dir1 <- xmlChildren(good_will)[["director"]]
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
# Access the children nodes of 'dir1'
## $first_name
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## $last_name
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
# Get the text content of 'dir1'
## [1] "GusVan Sant"
xmlChildren(good_will)\(\["director"\)] accesses the ‘director’ node within the ‘good_will’ node.
xmlChildren(dir1) accesses the child nodes of the ‘dir1’ node.
xmlValue(dir1) extracts the text content of the ‘dir1’ node, representing the director’s name.
The following results obtained from the code can be compared with the required section outlinedexample data set in Section 41.1.3 of Computing with Data